Tuesday, July 22, 2014

2004 raise dog license fees

2004 raise dog license fees
Shiawassee County Commissioners
From the minutes of the meeting.


At a regular meeting of the Shiawassee County Board of Commissioners held on

September 23, 2004 at 4:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers, Surbeck Building, Corunna, Michigan:

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Fuja.
Roll Call found Commissioners Capitan, Cole, Pavlica, Sparkes, Van Pelt, Weaver and Fuja present.

It was moved by Commissioner Sparkes, seconded by Commissioner Capitan to approve increasing the Dog License fees, effective for the 2005 Dog Licenses, for Intact to $30.00, $10.00 for Altered with delinquent for Intact to $60.00 and Altered to $20.00 on recommendation of the Animal Control Advisory Board. Motion carried.


Dumb as a box of rocks.  Just do whatever whoever tells you to do.  In this case this so-called Animal Control Advisory Board made up of self-appointed “experts” in the animal shelter/rescue/humane society realm. Self-appointed to a self-created board.  I’m sure they thought they were doing the right thing.  But oh how wrong it was.  For their efforts, this is all that was accomplished.  The commissioners didn’t bother to research anything themselves, of course.

None of that extra money went towards anything that benefitted any animal.  Not even one!  As usual, with this kind of “do-gooder” interference the most likely result was the death of more dogs.

Every year, right about license time, dogs get dumped.  People who can’t afford the license have little choice.  It isn’t just the cost of the license.  The cost of the vaccination that has to be given by a veterinarian.  Those take full advantage of the once a year or once every three year required visit.  I haven’t heard of anyone getting away from the vet’s office for less than $100.  All on the pretext that we must vaccinate for rabies (or risk criminal proceedings).  That’s just wrong!  Our state legislators are just as dumb.

According to the CDC canine strain rabies has been eliminated from the United States since the early 70’’s.  Our rat-bastard lawmakers just can’t give up on this glorious cash cow (dog) license thing.  There is still rabies out there -  bats, skunks, raccoons, grey fox.  All with their own strain.  Well, the raccoons along the eastern seaboard might warrant advising in favor of a rabies shot.  But required under threat of criminal charges is just a bit much.  Yeah your dog could get rabies from one of these animals – just about as easily as getting struck by lightning.

The grey fox strain tried to jump species in South Texas.  That was controlled by aerial drops of vaccine laden bait.  Us mere mortals have no means of treating wild animals.  It’s time for the government to figure out a way to vaccinate bats.  Once in my life I have seen a bat “out of order”.  I don’t even think it was sick.  It was after a terrible storm and I think the little guy just got knocked out of the sky.

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