Thursday, July 24, 2014

Dumb as a Box of Rocks

Our Shiawassee County Commissioners are just plain dumb as a box of rocks. 

You may not believe it, at this point, but I am actually being nice when I say that.

Some of them are dumb by their own choosing.

Some are just too lazy to actually dig in and learn their job.

Some just can’t help it.

 But all of them have been egregiously misled by their wonderful county administrators and assorted department heads.  It’s a little game they play.  “Let’s see what we can get over on the commissioners this year.”  After all, the commissioner’s term is only two years.  By the time a newbie even begins to figure out what s/he is doing (assuming they are trying), it is time to run for office, again and….any newbie who actually did dig in will be gotten rid of, one way or another.

On the current board there is absolutely no one that has a clue as to how animal control became the sheriff’s Donut Fund.  Not a clue.

(This first post contains links to all of the other posts on this blog, or you may use the links on the right.)
OK, This is how it went.
2004 the “Animal Control Advisory Board” thought it would be a good idea to raise the dog license fee and use the extra money to bring the animal control shelter up to ‘code’.  Oh boy, did the administrator and commissioners jump on that one!  2004 raise dog license fees  2005 Dog License Fees and a current list of statewide license fees Dog License Fees

The “Animal Control Advisory Board” were concerned about the use of the extra money and the current chairman of the board assured them the board was “morally bound to put that money back into animal control”.  Well, they never did.  They just kept whining and crying about “budget constraints”.  That is complete BS! 

There never was a budget constraint that affected administering the dog law and if there was, they would be justified in raising the fee.  Except they don’t have a clue what it costs to “administer the dog law of 1919, as it pertains to dogs”.  All they can come up with is the animal control budget. AC 2003 Actuals-2015 Proposed Budget  At one point they threatened to close the shelter and then they "found" some money to keep it going.  "Found"?????  Yeah, who lost it and how did they find it?
The dog law of 1919, as amended, provides that the dog license fee shall be set sufficient to cover the cost of administering the dog law of 1919, as amended, as it pertains to dogs. 
There are a whole lot of laws that animal control ‘administers’.  Some are even other dog laws and there are a whole lot of animals besides dogs.  A good guess would be, maybe 60% of the animal control budget would be dog law of 1919, as amended.   But maybe not.  There is a difference from when they actually had a shelter and took in as many cats as dogs and now with no shelter and absolutely nothing done with cats.  In any event, since 2004 animal control has been operating at a profit with none of that profit going back into animal control or the animal shelter.  According to some attorney general opinions and some case law dog license fees were never intended to be revenue generators.
AG 4353 - Not Revenue  very specifically addresses this issue.  The "dog tax" was repealed in 1806!  Get real.
2011, I believe in November, the board of commissioners voted to close the animal control shelter and contract with the Shiawassee County Humane Society to care for any dogs they needed to keep.  Again they cited the non-existent 'budget constraints'. 
The 2011 expenses were  $116,489 ; dog license fees were  $121,822. 
A profit of $5,333 without even considering If 60% of expenses were dog law that would be $47,924
leaving $73,898 profit. 

The 2013 (first full year without a shelter) expenses were  $ 62,281: dog license fees were $115,399.
A profit of $53,118 without even considering If 60% of expenses were dog law that would be $37,368
leaving $78,030 profit.
The 2014 budgeted expenses are  $ 67,976;  dog license fees are  $119,528.  
A planned profit of $51,552 without even considering If 60% of expenses were dog law that would be $40,785
leaving $78,742 profit.
Even at 80% the expenses would be $54,380 with $65,147 profit. 

 The 2015 proposed budgeted expenses are  $73,543;  fees are  $110,000. 
Another planned profit of $36,457 without even considering If 60% of expenses were dog law that would be $44,125
leaving $65,874 profit.
Even at 80% the expenses would be $58,834 with $51,165 profit. 

 The percentage should be different for after closing the shelter and no longer doing cats, but even I haven’t figured out what that could be………yet.  The projected revenue is going down.  We have been losing population and I hear whispers of people not buying dog licenses.

Just about anybody can see the fees are exceeding the expenses. 

Not a big deal?  Well,   I think over a half a million dollars in overcharges since 2005 is a big deal. ILL GOTTEN GAINS 

 It’s a little harder to see that the expenses are not all applicable to the fees.

However, the board voted to close the shelter and never gave a thought to the dog license fee. 
2012 a new board comes in, or at least some new board members and they don’t have a clue how all of this came about.  That was all decided before they came into office.  Not their problem.  Lol   Well, yeah, it is their problem.  But they refuse to address it.  Flat refuse and have the audacity to belittle me for never letting it die.  (and I never will – they’ll just have to wait for me to die – but oh…there is someone to carry on even after I die, tsk-tsk).

Now, here we are at the 2014 elections.  A whole new box of dumb rocks running for office.  I do hope some of these bright young people get into office.  Maybe they will have the initiative, ambition and energy to actually dig into things and figure it out.  Instead of just letting the county administrator and not so well-intentioned department heads lead them around by the nose….

Here’s a clue:  the dog license fees should have been reduced when they were not used for the shelter or at least reduced when they closed the shelter.  Makes perfect sense to me.  PERFECT SENSE!

We have to go back further.
2000 the board of commissioners adopted an animal control ordinance.  What a piece of work that was/is.  Our former prosecuting attorney (remember him?  not the sharpest knife in the drawer – at his best) copied from another county, who no doubt copied from somebody else.  I think there are around a dozen counties that have copied this piece of crap.  I don’t know where it originated but some looney tune thought it was quite ingenius.  Actually it was/is not within what state law allows.  It is an illegal ordinance written under color of law.  Meaning they want you to think it is legal, but it isn’t.  The animal control website now says


Kirt Stechschulte, Officer
P: 989.743.2406
F: 989.743.6580
Animal Control

The Animal Control Office, under the supervision of the Shiawassee County Sheriff’s Office is required to:
   § Enforce the Dog Law of 1919 (licensing of dogs and kennels);
§ Impound animals found running at large; and
§ Hold impounded animals for the statutory period

Sheriff Braidwood likes to say we need to charge more for dog licenses, they don't get nearly enough.  HA!
Braidwood's reports certainly do not indicate that!

But I know they do other stuff and with other animals.  “Running at large” is a separate law.  They do a lot of that and that would not be financed by the dog license fees.  But this is closer to what they should be doing than what the outlaw county ordinance says.  The Dog Law of 1919 doesn't cover much.  Licensing and we really don't even need to do that because we really SHOULD NOT have a law on the books that makes a criminal offense out of not vaccinating a dog for a disease that no longer exists in this country!  They try to make it sound so urgent and important.  Bullshit!  Canine strain rabies has been eradicated in the United States since the early 70's.  It has gone the way of smallpox.  We don't vaccinate our children for that anymore.  That is a whole ‘nother story.
Here’s another clue: that Shiawassee County ordinance needs to be repealed.  Muskegon County did it and they have not fallen off the face of the earth.  They don’t even have an “animal control” anymore.  Their “animal control”  was “vector control” and under the health department.  Gone now for several years.  I think they also left the high dog license fee in place.  Our dumb box of rocks is not alone, which reminds me.  Our state legislators are also dumb as a box of rocks.  Makes me wonder how any of us survive.
But this brings up the kennel licenses.  Omg………just about everything Shiawassee County does with regard to kennels violates state law.  That is a whole ‘nother story.

Local officials acting in violation of state law

MCL 287.270 Sec 10 EXCERPTS……3 or more dogs ………..”The license shall be issued by the county treasurer”……… “The fee to be paid for a kennel license shall be $10.00 for 10 dogs or less, and $25.00 for more than 10 dogs”……………….. “shall not issue a kennel license for a new kennel under the provisions of this act unless the applicant furnishes an inspection certificate”.
For many years Shiawassee County charged $30 and $60 for kennel licenses in violation of state law.  Somebody pointed that out to them and in 2004 they reduced to the state mandated rates.  However, they got away with it for so many years they figured they needed to make up the lost revenue, however ill-gotten it was, and they came up with the “annual inspection” and outrageous fee of $30 and $50 for the service.   That came through as a new “policy” Sheriff "Policy" 2005 of the Shiawassee County sheriff’s, who has no legal authority to promulgate rules with regard to kennels!  Minor detail. The amount charged was supposedly based on the amount of time it took the animal control officer to do it.  (At one time I calculated that guy must be making about $700,000 a year.)  State law says the inspection for a new kennel to be done by an authorized representative of the department of agriculture, but Shiawassee County will not accept a statement from a veterinarian who is just exactly that and certainly more qualified than whatever animal control officer they have.  lol.......actually, State Law says the inspection is only required in those counties that have adopted that amendatory act of the dog law.  If they have not, no inspection is required, ever.  AG 1897
The Shiawassee County Treasurer has the audacity to refuse to issue a new  kennel license until approved by zoning and inspected.  Where did that come from?  There is no zoning in the dog law of 1919, as amended.  Ah well, this is Shiawassee County. 
The Shiawassee County Treasurer refuses to issue a renewal kennel license without an “annual” inspection “slip”.  So, the treasurer violates state law when you renew your license. The treasurer has no authority to refuse to sell a renewal license.  That is malfeasance in office.
NO, a county does not have the authority to make their own rules on kennels. AG 1897
“287.270b Kennel licensing ordinance. Sec. 10b. Any city, township or village having in its employment a full-time animal control officer may adopt an ordinance providing for the issuance of kennel licenses by the animal control officer on the same terms, conditions and fees as is provided in section 10.”
So, that “this is Shiawassee County” baloney is also in violation of state law.  I think that makes them all outlaws who victimize law abiding citizens.
Attorney General Opinion 1897 fully supports all of this and more! AG 1897
Oh, and to get an annual inspection “slip”, rabies vaccinations are required.  The dog law specifically states kennel dogs are exempt from that requirement.  Sec 10 “Proof of vaccination of dogs against rabies shall not be required with the application.”  The Governor even recognizes this, AS PER LETTER of  June 9, 2011 originally issued in 2008, which also brings up holding times as MDARD “POLICY” not a statute.  MDARD Rabies not required for kennel dogs   lol before he advises against it at least one attorney recognizes the law   lol  what a piece of work that is.

Elected officials don’t seem to give a damn.  One county commissioner even commented to me that “If the people don’t like what we do, I guess they can sue us.”  WHAT?  I MEAN WTF?
Nobody wants to have to sue elected officials to make them abide by the law.  I guess they know that. 

No one dog owner  or one kennel owner could afford to sue them.  I guess they know that, too. 

Most dog owners and kennel owners live in terror that their animals will be confiscated on some trumped up charge.  They probably know that, too. 

The first kidnapping for ransom was supposedly a dog.  Very profitable.  Our government even does it.  Or blackmails us  into forking over money for the privilege of keeping our dogs in peace.  It’s the old protection racket.  License your dog so it doesn’t get nabbed and killed in one of our doggie Auschwitzs. 
If the Shiawassee County Commissioners knowingly do all of this, then they are just plain evil and are certainly not acting with the best interests of the people in mind.  I think it sounds nicer to just say they are all dumb as a box of rocks.  It is time they realize the people are not all afflicted with the same problem and they need to clean up their act.

at least one attorney recognizes the law

at least one attorney recognizes the law

Terry Shaw’s opinion March 10, 2010  Oceana County Kennel Policy and related guidelines

I will quote this TS opinion in black and add my comments in blue.

It is apparent, therefore, that a county does not have the authority to adopt an ordinance pertaining only to dog kennels because counties have not been expressly granted that authority by the state.

     (I say)  I rather like that statement, but TS continues,
MCLA 287.289a provides that the board of county commissioners, by ordinance, may establish an animal control agency which shall employ at least one animal control officer. Thus, it would be possible for the county to regulate dog kennels under a much broader animal control ordinance.

(I say) I think this also needs to be  considered:

MCL 287.289a Animal control agency; establishment; employees; jurisdiction; contents of animal control ordinance.
Sec. 29a.
The board of county commissioners by ordinance may establish an animal control agency which shall employ at least 1 animal control officer. The board of county commissioners may assign the animal control agency to any existing county department. The animal control agency shall have jurisdiction to enforce this act in any city, village or township which does not have an animal control ordinance. The county's animal control ordinance shall provide for animal control programs, facilities, personnel and necessary expenses incurred in animal control. The ordinance is subject to sections 6 and 30.  (emphasis added)

 (I say) Section 6 is lengthy and pertains to individual dog licenses and when licenses become due and whether they will be one year or three year licenses.  It has nothing to do with kennel licenses.

 (I say ) Section 30 does have something to say about kennels.

287.290 Municipal animal control ordinances; certificate of vaccination.
Sec. 30.

A city, village or township by action of its governing body may adopt an animal control ordinance to regulate the licensing, payment of claims and providing for the enforcement thereof. A city, village, county or township adopting a dog licensing ordinance or ordinances shall also require that such application for a license, except kennel licenses, shall be accompanied by proof of vaccination of the dog for rabies by a valid certificate of vaccination for rabies, with a vaccine licensed by the United States department of agriculture, signed by an accredited veterinarian. (emphasis added)

(I say ) I don’t think that leaves any possibility for a county to regulate dog kennels under any ordinance.  Further AG No. 1897 supports the position that a county has no authority to promulgate rules regarding kennels. 

Then TS continues with these statements,

MCL 287.266 provides that the owner of a dog that is required to be licensed shall keep the dog currently vaccinated against rabies by an accredited veterinarian with a vaccine licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture.
It is a misdemeanor for an owner to fail to keep a dog vaccinated.

MCLA 287.270 states that proof of vaccination of dogs against rabies shall not be required with the application for a kennel license.

(I say) It seems to me that the dog law of 1919, as amended is clear that vaccinations are not required for kennel dogs.  Actually, that is why the kennel facility is to be so constructed as to not allow inadvertent contact with outside animals or people.  To protect the kennel dogs from exposure and should they become exposed to protect others from exposure.  I think it had something to do with reducing the stress on breeding animals (caused by the vaccine).  However, the Michigan Department of Agriculture has also has this statement of policy.



July 30, 2008

After an internal review, MDA policy and interpretation of holding times for dogs and cats at animal shelters and requirements for rabies vaccinations in kennel situations are as follows:

…edited out the part about holding times…

Rabies Vaccinations in Kennel Situations

Section 10 of The Dog Law (1919, Public Act 339, as amended) clearly states that “proof of vaccination against rabies shall not be required” meaning that dogs kept under a kennel license are not required under state law to be vaccinated against rabies. A local municipality can enact an ordinance or other mechanism requiring all dogs kept under a kennel license to be currently vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian. Note, however, that dogs kept under a kennel license pursuant to state law must remain in the kennel unless temporarily being used for hunting, breeding, trail, or show, unless temporarily out and on a leash.  (emphasis added)

  (I say) I think that makes it pretty clear.  That same statement was reissued on June 9, 2011, under Governor Snyder.  Except, I don’t recall anywhere that the department of agriculture is given the authority to state a local municipality can enact an ordinance!  I think they are overstepping their authority a little by saying that.  Is a local supposed to adopt an ordinance claiming this statement as their authority to do so?  I don’t think so.  I also think AG 1897 pretty well covers it.  Section 10 is to regulate dog kennels, the dog law of 1919, as amended, is to regulate dogs and dog kennels as it was always meant to do.  A county has no authority to promulgate rules with regard to kennels.

MCL 287.270 The county treasurer or county animal control officer shall not issue a kennel license for a new kennel under the provisions of this act unless the applicant furnishes an inspection certificate signed by the director of the department of agriculture, or his authorized representative, stating that the kennel to be covered by the license complies with the reasonable sanitary requirements of the department of agriculture, and that the dogs therein are properly fed and protected from exposure commensurate with the breed of the dog.

Shiawassee county does an annual inspection and charges a fee for it.  AG 1897 addresses that issue quite thoroughly and there is no provision in the law for an annual inspection, nor for a fee.
The form animal control people use for these kennel inspections is about as bullshit as a form can get.

Inspections are not required for renewals.
No inspection is required – ever, unless the county has duly accepted, by resolution, the provisions of Act 245 of 1945.  Shiawassee County has never done that.

Terry Shaw acknowledges that a county has no authority to regulate kennels, then turns around and suggests they contravene state law and require rabies vaccinations that are expressly not required by the state law!

go figure??

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

MDARD Rabies not required for kennel dogs

omg............MDA recognizes state law states "clearly"
No where does state law give MDA the authority to even so much as imply a local municipality has the authority to enact an ordinance that contravenes state law.
Now, who's ass are they trying to cover, since some municipalities have already enacted such an ordinance. Now, they want the legislature to change the law so that will be legal? After it has been illegal for who knows how many years. Right, we are all such idiots.

2005 Dog License Fees


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

2004 raise dog license fees

2004 raise dog license fees
Shiawassee County Commissioners
From the minutes of the meeting.


At a regular meeting of the Shiawassee County Board of Commissioners held on

September 23, 2004 at 4:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers, Surbeck Building, Corunna, Michigan:

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Fuja.
Roll Call found Commissioners Capitan, Cole, Pavlica, Sparkes, Van Pelt, Weaver and Fuja present.

It was moved by Commissioner Sparkes, seconded by Commissioner Capitan to approve increasing the Dog License fees, effective for the 2005 Dog Licenses, for Intact to $30.00, $10.00 for Altered with delinquent for Intact to $60.00 and Altered to $20.00 on recommendation of the Animal Control Advisory Board. Motion carried.


Dumb as a box of rocks.  Just do whatever whoever tells you to do.  In this case this so-called Animal Control Advisory Board made up of self-appointed “experts” in the animal shelter/rescue/humane society realm. Self-appointed to a self-created board.  I’m sure they thought they were doing the right thing.  But oh how wrong it was.  For their efforts, this is all that was accomplished.  The commissioners didn’t bother to research anything themselves, of course.

None of that extra money went towards anything that benefitted any animal.  Not even one!  As usual, with this kind of “do-gooder” interference the most likely result was the death of more dogs.

Every year, right about license time, dogs get dumped.  People who can’t afford the license have little choice.  It isn’t just the cost of the license.  The cost of the vaccination that has to be given by a veterinarian.  Those take full advantage of the once a year or once every three year required visit.  I haven’t heard of anyone getting away from the vet’s office for less than $100.  All on the pretext that we must vaccinate for rabies (or risk criminal proceedings).  That’s just wrong!  Our state legislators are just as dumb.

According to the CDC canine strain rabies has been eliminated from the United States since the early 70’’s.  Our rat-bastard lawmakers just can’t give up on this glorious cash cow (dog) license thing.  There is still rabies out there -  bats, skunks, raccoons, grey fox.  All with their own strain.  Well, the raccoons along the eastern seaboard might warrant advising in favor of a rabies shot.  But required under threat of criminal charges is just a bit much.  Yeah your dog could get rabies from one of these animals – just about as easily as getting struck by lightning.

The grey fox strain tried to jump species in South Texas.  That was controlled by aerial drops of vaccine laden bait.  Us mere mortals have no means of treating wild animals.  It’s time for the government to figure out a way to vaccinate bats.  Once in my life I have seen a bat “out of order”.  I don’t even think it was sick.  It was after a terrible storm and I think the little guy just got knocked out of the sky.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Dog Law of 1919


Act 339 of 1919
AN ACT relating to dogs and the protection of live stock and poultry from damage by dogs; providing for the licensing of dogs; regulating the keeping of dogs, and authorizing their destruction in certain cases; providing for the determination and payment of damages done by dogs to live stock and poultry; imposing powers and duties on certain state, county, city and township officers and employes, and to repeal Act No. 347 of the Public Acts of 1917, and providing penalties for the violation of this act.

History: 1919, Act 339, Eff. Aug. 14, 1919
Compiler's Notes: Near the end of this title, the word "employes" evidently should read "employees".


As for Sheriff Braidwood’s claim that the county should be charging more.  SHOW ME!
Show me why Shiawassee County cannot do what just about every other county does?

His “Event by Nature” report that is sent to each township from December 2013 thru June 2014 lists animal events.
There were 30 “animal bites”.  They don’t even bother to separate the dog bites from the rest.  Dog bites are kinda wishie-washie.  They could come under the dog law of 1919, as amended, but most are prosecuted under the “Dangerous Animals Act” and should not be funded by dog license fees.

There were 464 “animal complaints”…..most of those are probably dog, but even if they are dog they may or may not be part of what the dog law of 1919, as amended covers.  That law is very limited in its scope.  I would assume animal control responds to these complaints and the animal control budget certainly has enough left over that they don’t need anymore.  These “events” need to be broken down by species and what the complaint is.  Just saying it is a “complaint” does not cover it.  Just kills me.  They have all of that information in their hot little hands and they have the means to break it down and record it right in front of their faces.  Yet they do not.  I very much suspect that most of these complaints would not fall under the dog law of 1919, as amended and therefore would fall under county funding, NOT dog license funding.  Or maybe they do break it down, they just don't make that information available.
There were 16 “barking dog” events.  Those are not under the dog law of 1919, as amended.  Nor is “barking dog” under any other law.  When somebody calls in and complains about a dog barking central dispatch should just tell them there is no law covering that.  Humanity has chosen to live with canines.

Then there were 407 “car deer” events.  I don’t know if animal control responds to those, or other officers.  Either way, that is certainly not part of what dog license fees should be paying for.


Act 339 of 1919

287.266 Dog licenses; application; resolution; provisions; proof of vaccination.

Sec. 6.…edit………

(5) ….edit…… The county board of commissioners may set license fees in the county budget at a level sufficient to pay all the county's expenses of administering this act as it pertains to dogs.

For a spayed or neutered dog, the license fee, if any, shall be set lower than the license fee for a dog that is not spayed or neutered.

In addition, the license fee may be set higher for a delinquent application than for a timely application.

It is the law.  The commissioners may set the fee.  It doesn’t say anything about the county administrator setting the fee, or the sheriff, or anyone else.  Another argument for the commissioners to do their own job and not be led around by the nose.

In 2004 when the commissioners voted to increase the dog license fees the intent was to raise additional funds to improve the shelter facility.  Even the the chairman of the board assured everyone that they were “morally bound” to put that money back into animal control, it never was.

In 2004 a license fee for a spayed or neutered dog was $5.00.  That was doubled to $10.

The license fee for an intact dog was $10.  That was tripled to $30.  I think it is reasonable to say that 50% of the license fees collected after that are owed to the animal control facility.  It would even be reasonable to claim as much as 65%?  With that triple factor in there.  But lets just settle on 50%.  That figure is mind-boggling enough.

 $   144,021
 $   139,158
 $   138,313
 $   136,322
 $   138,270
 $   133,622
 $   121,822
 $   119,528
 $   115,399
Total since


Now isn’t that a nice little chunk of change that just flat out disappeared into the General Fund?

  Our “shelter” dogs should be living in a palace!  2014 isn’t complete, but they have collected over $90,000 so far ( April 30, 2014) and the proposed budget for 2015 is for $110,000 in dog license fees.  It is going down, as is our population.  Check out the sheriff’s Donut Fund.